Saturday, September 29, 2012

History Making Cheerios- Chaotic Momentum Post August 13, 2010

To the relief of my Nana, we're finally home. And she's most likely vacuuming her house like an insane woman, following our trail of cheerios, sand and dried up macaroni noodles.

We're trying to get our lives back in order and unpack, which the kids are INCREDIBLY helpful with.  Blanket into the clothes hamper. Little boy giggles. A brief flash of blanket as it flies down the hall at top speed.


I've given up and am sitting at my kitchen table enjoying the down pour of rain and eating a banana. Something which my Nana says that she refuses to buy if they're still green, because she might not be alive long enough to eat it when it's ripe. She's morbid that way sometimes- which I cannot stand. Because MY Nana? Is going to live forever, or at least until I'm long gone.

She's said, "THAT will be the day," because if she DOES live that long? She couldn't emotionally handle all of the wrinkles that she'd certainly have by then. Which is absolute nonsense, because just as her carpenter told her incredulously yesterday, she doesn't look a day over 60. And aside from her youthful glow- she's just down right sexy anyway. That's right people, my Nana is sexy as hell (you hear that Marolyn?).

I wish there was a miracle drug that made you live forever.

What about Cheerios? They're supposed to be good for the heart, are they not?

Nana. Put. That. Vacuum. Down. And. Eat. Those. Crumbs. Because later today? I'm sending you a huge crate of BRIGHT, GREEN BANANAS.

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