So it was quite confuzzling, after we moved into our home two and a half years ago, why the light above our sink WOULD NOT TURN ON.
Rob changed the bulb- no luck.
He took the casing off and checked all of the wiring- nothing out of place.
Still, no light.
We eventually just gave up on it and decided that a dimly lit kitchen is kind of sexy. Oooooo, look at me getting these dishes all hot and wet.
But my mother? Could not STAND it. Everything should be in perfect working order and how convenient is it that my sister Courtney's boyfriend (fiance now) has experience working with electrical problems?
So convenient.
But Rob, determined not to be shown up by another man's handyman skills, takes another crack at the issue we've already been living with for a year. He routes around up in there, almost like he knows what he's doing, and a few hours later?
I would like to make this very clear- ANYONE could have missed this detail. Anyone. My husband and are ARE NOT idiots and any comments implying this will be deleted faster than the speed of light our bulb produces.
Upon closer inspection, Rob discovered a cleverly hidden light switch that seemed to do the trick. Disguised by just a slight mess of electrical cords that we had placed in front of it.
Could happen to anyone. And for finding this gem? I stand behind the fact that my husband is a genius at discovery.
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